What has Microsoft done to me? Two words: viruses and worms

Story: Comment of the Day- November 6, 2005 What did Microsoft ever do to you?Total Replies: 2
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Nov 06, 2005
11:41 AM EDT
Thanks MSFT! Because of your extra-sloppy coding in Internet Explorer, IIS and the byzantine design of Windows (all versions!) a huge cloud of malware of all sorts plagues me, even though I develop on Solaris at work, and run Slackware at home. Even though I use an email reader with a safe, sane design (Pine) I have lost emails sent to me during the "SirCam" epidemic - emails sent by SirCam overflowed my ISP at the time. Also, I regularly get spammed by emails from other Outlook viruses. I get bounces from sites that turn away email viruses that Outlook viruses have sent *in my name*.

My Apache log files got clogged with Nimda and Code Red attempts for 3 years because of the various and sundry crappy things that you, the High and Mighty, Double-genius burger with extra bacon Microsoft programmers foisted off on the world in IIS.

My network communications got disrupted in January of 2003 for a day because of the incompetent design of SQL Server, and the under-the-cover installs of SQL server on machines that nobody really thought had SQL server on them.

I have to argue *against* installing "anti-virus" that will do nothign but waste CPU cycles on the Solaris production servers at work, because the general shoddiness of MSFT "operating systems" has made "install an anti-virus" as a checklist item for every checklist-security-officer with no wisdom in the world.

For all this, and all the of the restraint of trade that Microsoft has performed over the years, I really, really dislike Microsoft.

Nov 06, 2005
12:22 PM EDT
I guess I don't understand. When I started using Windows, I bought MacAfee virus protection. I've never had a virus. I used spybot S&D, but the only thing I see are cookies. I write programs where cookies are essential. I even see cookies from this website.

If people don't protect themselves on a public network, how is that Microsoft's fault?

I really didn't want to spend so much time here. I appreciate everyone who has helped me. But, I think everyone is short of material when you just boil things down and make IT the issue.


Nov 06, 2005
12:30 PM EDT
honestly, avenger, none of the questions that you have posed here are new or unanswered. Microsoft's history of dirty dealings and shoddy products and price gouging and anti-competitive behaviors is well-documented. It's not new, it's not secret, and they're certainly not changing any of their dirty practices.

No reasonable person will criticize you for using Microsoft products, that's up to you to decide and not for anyone else to judge. But please don't play the innocent about their dirty, corrupt business practices, or how much damage they have done to the computing industry; dozens of industry publications and even mainstream news have been reporting this stuff for years. Don't shoot the messenger.

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