through the mists, I see events converging in the East...

Story: Linux Desktop Making Major Gains via IntelTotal Replies: 2
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Nov 04, 2005
12:35 PM EDT
Looking into my crystal ball...

I think someone at Intel should call someone at Linspire and send a few of those cheap "farmer PC's" into rural South Korea as well.

Not as big a market as China, but Intel can probably charge a little more in S. Korea.

Intel could gain a lot of good press for being the good guy in the emerging markets.

Thanks for the story Tom.

Nov 04, 2005
1:07 PM EDT
You're welcome.

I think you have a good idea.

Perhaps Intel doesn't want to become that high profile in a Microsoft fight.

It's difficult to say.

Nov 04, 2005
1:42 PM EDT
I believe that both Intel and AMD will both supply what the market wants and what will make them a profit. If that comes down to supplying cheap boxes for Korea or China, they will fight tooth and nail for the privilege ;-) Any ties to MS are purely market driven.

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