looks like you hit a nerve, Tom!

Story: Director Responsible for JDS at Sun, Stephen Harpster's Replies to LXerTotal Replies: 3
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Nov 02, 2005
11:09 AM EDT
Gotta love the excuses- "It didn't happen on my watch." And so what that it's "open sourced", (I should read the license to see how open it is), the point of Tom's article was why should anyone want it? Given the history of the project, and Sun's continual shifts in direction, I would have liked to see some real answers from Mr. Harpster, instead of defensive evasions.

Nice work.

Nov 02, 2005
11:41 AM EDT
Getting angry and puffing out those rooster feathers is supposed to scare ya off, ya know. Puffs out that thar chest. That's his answer. Why, not by the hairs on my chin is someone gonna say nothing 'bout my pro duct.

The license is the cddl.


Nov 02, 2005
12:51 PM EDT
And the other thing, where has this guy been? It was never Sun's policy to kill Linux - unquote. It's not defamation of character to call some one a liar if you know the truth. I believe the saying is "know the truth and the truth will set you free". In this case, as a journalist, it will keep you free.

Nov 03, 2005
12:54 AM EDT
Here's a couple of phrases that can be readily applied to Sun, "The truth hurts" and "If the cap fits" and one i've modified just for this occasion, Their are lies, damned lies and Sun policy".

Do they truly believe that any real sizeable community will grow up around JDS, if they do i either have to question their grip on reality or at the bare minimum question my own grip on reality if a significant community does arise.

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