Dell and HP spam Linux articles

Story: Sponsored Google Ad Hijacks Linux Site to Microsoft.comTotal Replies: 9
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Nov 01, 2005
9:42 AM EDT
I am forever seeing Dell and HP spamming Linux articles with ads for MS Windows machines.

This tells me that the Linux crowd is now a worthy audience.


Nov 01, 2005
1:03 PM EDT
cyber_rigger: The Linux crowd will never be a worthy audience. I can't believe you wrote that. Didn't you read the article about stealing from Google?

Has a Linux user every paid a shareware fee?

We don't pay for anything. What a waste of HP's and Dell's money. Gosh.

Nov 01, 2005
1:51 PM EDT
Lately I've noticed a huge number of MS Vista ads, the more obnoxious flash/java type, on multiple Linux related sites. I'm sure that some genius at MS came up with this strategy as a means of getting those poor misguided Linux users to give up their perverted habit and to come back to the fold. Instead, I'm seeing the complete reverse of this, more like waving a red flag in front of a bull, with most Linux supporters viewing the ads in their territory as an insult and call to battle. We can only hope that they continue to pursue this very effective Linux advertising campaign.

Nov 01, 2005
2:02 PM EDT
more like waving a red flag in front of a bull,...

boy howdy did you nail that. I used to get really @$$ed up at Linux sites for running them but I decided it was funny. If MS wants to pay my costs for running Lobby4Linux, I would briefly think about it, We just turned down sponsorship from a Linux that you pay for. It simply did not fit our philosophy. Besides, I don't like Lins...I mean Linux distros I have to pay for.

As far as Windows ads. Like I am going to look at one of those ads on, slap my forehead and say "oh darn...I really should switch back to Windows...what was I thinking?" Linux users use Linux for a a choice of few reasons. Disliking MS ranks high on the list, regardless of what the polls say. My guess anyway.


Nov 01, 2005
3:14 PM EDT
While I'm not going to purchase something like Xandros or Linspire, I still think they are a viable option for nOObs who haven't a clue of how anything works. Rather they use those than Vistaor any other versions of Windows. Also, the value in support and a quality package is certainly better than Windows and less expensive as well. I'd prefer to see all of this stuff as freely available, but, reality, for the moment, dictates otherwise.

Nov 01, 2005
10:27 PM EDT
You know, it's things like this that make me wish I hadn't installed the Adblock extension on Firefox.

But, nearly every piece of MS propaganda I have read makes me laugh, until I realise that some people who read it will not. Obviously there are not going to be many people who will read the MS adverts, some people, even linux people will. The kind of people who have just switched to red hat servers and see a survey telling them it was a "bad idea". Or perhaps governments that are using linux for some things will see an advert for a way to do it "better". There will always be people who do listen.

Nov 02, 2005
3:32 AM EDT
In response to tadelste

I'll put my hand up to being a linux user who has actually payed for shareware although it was for windows based software called Zmud and UOAssist both excellent by the way and well worth the pittance they ask for them.

Don't think ive actually paid for anything on Linux, Since i have now given up playing WoW just to much ganking going on, im thinking about going back to mud's, and will probably go back to running Zmud under wine and pay for the latest upgrade.

See their are linux people out there that are willing to pay for good software.

Nov 02, 2005
4:38 AM EDT
Koriel - Tom was being sarcastic. How do you think Mandrake (old name) came out of bankruptcy: user subscriptions support. I also contribute to projects when the cash flows by.

Nov 02, 2005
5:37 AM EDT
I know Tom was being sarcastic, i just thought i would own up to it it isn't something im ashamed of :)

And like yourself i like to support worthwhile software whether its for windows or linux and regardless is its OSS or Proprietary my main criteria is that it has to be good at what its designed to do.

Although i think Tom might be right in a way even though he meant it as a joke, I believe a lot of the new folks coming to linux say in the last 2 years are being swayed by the argument that its all free as in monetarial value and basically don't want to pay for anything so it may in the future be true to say that "linux user doesn't ever pay for anything" its a changing scene and i think it might already be happening.

I could be wrong though its been known :)

Nov 02, 2005
6:01 AM EDT

There are a lot of Windows users who have been trained that all software is crappy, and the free (as in beer) software they see in their Windows centric world is even crappier and full of spyware and trojans.

Just last week I tried to get a co-worker to download Open Office. They wanted something MS -office compatible, but did not want to spend the dollars for a real version of office, and they did not want to pirate software.

I told them about Sun's Star Office, and how the code was opened, and Open Office is the result. The look of disgust on their face over a suggestion to use 'free' software was amazing. They bought a copy of Star Office. For a commercial office product, it is a very good deal.

I only have 3 and 1/2 months left on this contract, I'll keep showing my co-worker how and Star Office are related. Hopefully this will educate them and open their eyes a little.

I think that commercial Linux distros could be a good gateway for these kinds of people to the use of Linux.

I also understand your aversion to commercial distros. My favorite distros are all free like debian. I like Ubuntu more for its ideals than for its actual distro.

Libranet is my favorite commercial distro. I like SuSE more and more (now that Novell has open sourced all of it). I hope that Novell really works on improving Gnome, and so I buy a copy of SuSE ever second or third version.

There are good reasons for the commercial distros to exist, but support the distros you want to for your own reasons.

To thine own self be true.

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