I sent them this letter-to-editor

Story: Open source in government: A delusional cheer from the GreensTotal Replies: 1
Author Content

Oct 24, 2005
3:42 PM EDT
Technology commentator strikes out completely

Quite aside from his careful filtering of the available data, Francis Till seems to have fallen completely for Microsoft's expensive propaganda. Examples are legion; it would take an entire article to respond even briefly, but let me select a simple one to illustrate: standard document formats.

MS Office 12 "XML" files are not open, they're patent-encumbered. They are also not XML and not standard. Three strikes, they're out.

A patent-encumbered standard is analogous to building an imposing fortress across a pass, then swinging the gates wide and declaring the pass "open". Everyone sidling nervously through the sniggering gate guards knows well that it only remains "open" at your pleasure.

The OpenDocument standard, on the other hand, is not patent encumbered at all, is a real standard (and headed for ISO certification), and really is XML from start to finish. Several different working implementations of the standards are available for perusal and Free use.

MS Office "XML" files include binary data, a clear violation of both the XML standards and their obvious intent. The only exception to this is the stripped-down version, which discards most serious formatting, making it useless for document storage or interchange. Microsoft also owns enough associated structure to prevent independent implementation.

Nothing outside Microsoft's own product line deals with either variant, and for good reason.

The Review article's naivety follows a similar pattern throughout.

Oct 24, 2005
4:06 PM EDT
Anon -

Do the Microsoft files really contain honst-to-gosh, not base64-encoded, binary data?

I'm impressed. I ddin't think you could get such a beast to parse.

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