Just use Firefox

Story: Plugin Lets Users Turn IE into FirefoxTotal Replies: 2
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Sep 01, 2005
12:56 AM EDT
Why even bother using a patched up version IE, when you can just download a real browser; Firefox.


Sep 01, 2005
5:55 AM EDT
Quoting: "its only a matter of time beafore mods to IE6 or IE7 wipe out firefox... its sad, but true." [comment from voting section]

While at first sight this might seem to be intuitively obvious, it fails to take into account the habitual weakness in MS modus operandi. MS operates almost entirely from what it perceives to be its best short term interests. Hence, the individual product users inherent interests carry little weight when they feel threatened. So very short term they may reverse the tide, but I am only interested in a freedom of choice. Hence, for whatever their reasons those that think they are safer clinging to Windows or other MS products does not alter my view. As long as there is a significant minority of alternate products and users we have won.

Sep 01, 2005
1:18 PM EDT
Oohh! You mean they made a plugin to properly support W3C standards? Oh, wait, its just security BS, which they have to fix using a bloody firewall and some features MS 'promises' to add eventually... Seriously, why the heck would I bother with a plugin that doesn't fix the most serious problem with IE, its inability to properly support web standards? I tried the test page they came up with, with the smiley face, and Opera came close, Firefox came close, but messed up a slightly different way but IE gave nothing but a huge red smear on the bottom of the screen, and that was after waiting 5 minutes or more for it to finish figuring out what it was doing, when the others took less than a minute... And that test is only for the, "most common CSS and other W3C standards *most* web developers are likely to use."

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