A bit of conflict here in the voting?

Story: TheOpenCD 3.0 released, now with Ubuntu LiveCDTotal Replies: 3
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Jul 12, 2005
6:02 AM EDT
I read the article, and on its face, I would agree, however it appears a member has been taken to task for expressing an opinion...one in which I agree. Ubuntu is currently the Linux LoveChild. For whatever reason, that is just the fact. Now, Shuttleworth has solid plans to have OEM support for Ubuntu, and that I applaude. Any Linux that can get packaged and out the door on a production box is a good thing, but the fact remains that overall, Ubuntu lacks many things to make it a "newbie-friendly" distro. My daughter uses it and she is 12. She won't use anything else, but the fact that we had to spend 30-45 minutes screwing with the sources.list and installing the apps that would allow streaming and mp3 support to work seems a waste. I say if the authors and users of (K)Ubuntu are so concerned about legal issues and the gpl, they should immediately complain to the powers that be that some other distros are packaged completely, with little or no tweaking necessary. That way, they can be punished and the playing field is once again level and there will be no more of this nonsense. Then EVERY distro can be just like Ubuntu.

So what did Devnet say that was wrong? I don't see a distro war starting here. All I saw was an honest opinion mis-interpreted.


Jul 12, 2005
11:43 AM EDT
I'm getting a bit tired of these "pure" distros that do not help users with this sort of problem. How about, instead of re-packaging Yet Another Freakin' Distro, Sheesh Like We Need More, how about addressing the fundamental problem of providing FOSS programs to replace the evil proprietary ones? Support the development of FOSS browser plugins and device drivers. Leaving users high and dry is useless.

Jul 12, 2005
12:06 PM EDT
The issue is not really Ubuntu vs somehing else but the idea that the OpenCD folks makes their CD bootable with a Live Linux distibution.

OpenCD's aim is to spread FOSS packages to the Windows world not convert people to Linux per se

Jul 12, 2005
12:45 PM EDT
I think we're always going to see new distro's.If for no other reason than someone will have an idea of what they think a good distro should be.I don't see this as a bad thing,but you're right ,there are alot of different ones out there.FOSS programs are coming out,but it seems not as quickly as we would like.I would like to believe that this is changing too. I agree with bstadil,these live CD's help spread linux to people that are curious.A live CD will let people try linux without having to install it.You never know how many more people will make the switch.Who knows,maybe some of them will end up putting together that killer app.

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