
Story: Apple's Intel Desktop Move Threatens Linux Desktop, LonghornTotal Replies: 2
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Jun 07, 2005
9:21 AM EDT
Steven, please do a thorough investigation of virtualization. Vmware is a particular, proprietary instance. There are other contenders quickly coming to the fore e.g. the GPL'd Xen Virtualization. Virtualization is a very important technology and the chip vendors are making it easier to implement in future chip generations.

It would be a real service to the community if you could author the results of an in-depth investigation.

Thanks, Richard Sevenich

Jun 07, 2005
10:32 AM EDT
Speaking of virtualzation people have been looking over Rosetta, the PPC emulator for x86 chips Apple has built.

Guess what. It needs a 3 ghz x86 chip to emulate a G3 chip. No altevic, no G4, and no G5. Sure there isn't a lot of G5 only software yet, but the G4 is 5 year old tech and is needed.

I can understand being upset with IBM not producing G5's at a fast enough rate. but x86 chips(yes they will be x86 compatible, hece the developer's testing machines are x86) are not known for being efficient.

Of course recent server load tests indicate that the hybird, mach/bsd kernel OS X uses is very slow as well , for generating new threads for web/database serving

Jun 07, 2005
12:38 PM EDT
SJVN says "Either the Linux desktop gets its act together in the coming year, or it will never become more than a niche operating system."

Nope. GNU/Linux can afford to wait for as long as they like. It is not a corporation which will go under if it fails to get enough market-share quickly enough. Apple and Microsoft cannot make that claim.

"The Linux desktop community has to make a decision—and has to make it now."

I disagree with this statement, and I see no evidence in the article to back it up.

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