What is the point?

Story: OSS on OS XTotal Replies: 4
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May 26, 2005
7:28 AM EDT
OSX is a step back from FOSS Operating Systems. You get the license encumbrance from Apple and you buy an expensive machine to run your stalwart FOSS apps. Seems like a waste of money to me.

What does an Apple do more than a generic x86 box with a FOSS OS?

I.M.O. Apple delivers a huge "Cool Factor", but is that enough to warrant loss of Freedom?

May 26, 2005
9:14 AM EDT
Goodness, you haven't spent any real time with a Mac, have you?

Mac delivers more than a "Cool Factor". It delivers a smooth and friendly interface that Mac users love, not to mention the ability to run some software, especially multimedia and graphics software, that isn't available on Linux.

I've been tempted by a Mac myself, just couldn't deal with the price of a G5 and software needed to do the things I presently do with my Athlon 64, Cinelerra, Gimp and Inkscape.

If, however, those capabilities were at the center of making my living, I might have popped the $$ for the productivity increase.

May 26, 2005
11:39 AM EDT
I will second dino's comments from that perspective. I find the mac to be an extremely versatile workstation. However, the licensing considerations do continually give me cause for concern. I still don't fully understand their various licensing schemes (this one here is for their Apple Public Source License, but it's not the same one that governs their OS code if memory serves - http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/). But it's all good - I'll use my Mac for what it's good for, and my PC for what it's good for, and my Sun servers for what they're good for, and my SGI servers for what they're good for...


May 26, 2005
12:21 PM EDT
Tool: You're wrong to call them your servers...

I 0wn them...

May 26, 2005
7:20 PM EDT
Paulie ---

Check the receipt.


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