Yet Another Retarded Review

Story: Review: Kubuntu 5.04 "Hoary Hedgehog"Total Replies: 5
Author Content

Apr 21, 2005
8:39 PM EDT
Replace Kubuntu with Debian and you can't tell the difference....except one smells like PR Bandwagon BS and the other smells like regular Debian. In other words...Ubuntu/Kubuntu and Debian are pretty much the same thing...with one bleeding edge and the other not.

I wish people would stop with the reviews of Ubuntu/Kubuntu. It's really starting to gnaw on the nerves. I think Ian was right on this...Ubuntu/Kubuntu is killing Debian...which is really sad. Debian development has slowed so much since everyone said, "Hey, Look! A new Linux distro! And look! We can make it bleeding edge! It'll have new toys all the time!!!" But when you become that new kid on the often proceed to far too fast....something I think Ubuntu/Kubuntu is doing currently.

Not to mention, it's hype. Until it installs and is as easy to use as Xandros, SimplyMEPIS, or PCLinuxOS...I'll compare it to the floating chunks in my john.

Apr 22, 2005
8:42 AM EDT
I'm not looking forward to THAT review

Apr 23, 2005
7:20 PM EDT
Hey Devnet, I was going to email you about this...problem. It's just that I'm a bit concerned about your inability to actually express how you feel...such repression is not good for one. LOL. You hit it on the head Devnet...and in a manner I have come to appreciate. Just another example of how we have become "branding" clones. Put a name to something and start the PR hype and watch the flock go. I'm a bit conflicted about how these debian distros will impact the linux effort. With over 350 active distros and wars raging for exposure and popularity, This can't be good for us in the short term...Ballmer has to be encouraged by this. However, once the dust settles and Linux is actually able to begin conventional advertising and PR, then he will need the Malox. Maybe this is just the evolution of Linux and if it is, we are indeed in a unique vantage point in history. All three of the distros you mentioned have contributed something unique and valuable to the linux comminity. Now let's see how it all boils down. Our kids will probably see it.


Apr 23, 2005
7:32 PM EDT

exactly...many distros...but one keeps them all focused...and that is Debian proper. It trucks along on its own timeframe and nothing changes its stability. However, what would happen if it was replaced by Ubuntu like the current trend supports? Things would completely flip...packages wouldn't be compatible with half of the distros...pinning apt sources would be worthless. Mass chaos.

I hope that day never would be a sad day...and I would hate to have to pay more attention to chunks in the bowl so that I can do a a sad day indeed.

Apr 24, 2005
4:27 AM EDT
Hey helios ---

When Linux can begin advertising proper?

Lest we forget:

Debian does not equal Linux.

Linspire IS doing advertising proper. Novell IS doing advertising proper. Red Hat IS doing advertising proper.

IBM has been some advertising proper, including a few VERY nifty national television spots.

Do they advertise in the same way and to the same degree as Microsoft?

No, but that's okay.

Different markets take different approaches. All in its time.


Apr 24, 2005
9:37 PM EDT
Debian does not equal Linux - perhaps. But Gentoo and Debian equals REAL Linux, due to the social contracts. Ubuntu has been keeping a VERY low profile with regards to the contract. Perhaps they don't plan to keep it?

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