
Story: IBM goes silent on Linux desktop effortTotal Replies: 1
Author Content

Jan 26, 2005
9:19 AM EDT
Latest message from IBM:

Linux Is Ready!

Errr, maybe not.

Personally, I think it really inspires confidence...

Jan 26, 2005
10:48 AM EDT
Actually, IBM is definitely still pushing Linux just as much as ever. I personally thought their initial roll-out timeline for the Linux Desktop project was very ambitious anyway, but the fact that they have so many deployments already is still notable. And while the majority of current deployments are with the more tech-savvy folks, I have personally seen quite a few sales reps and product managers in the field using Linux on their notebooks. So, while they may be a little behind schedule, I still give them kudos for the continued effort. And lots of respect for practicing what they preach!


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