Penner? Who is this devnet guy anyway :)

Story: Site review: Yet Another Linux BlogTotal Replies: 2
Author Content

Jan 21, 2005
2:13 PM EDT
Okay devnet, that was a leading headline for my post -- it could have been worse -- could have been something like "Why Devnet isn't suceeding!"

Tongue firmly in cheek, man.


Jan 22, 2005
7:52 AM EDT
I don't know who that Penner guy is...but he sure is a looney bastage isn't he? Man, let's hope he does the 50 yard dash in a 40 yard gym.

That title sounds like a good blog entry though Paul....

hrmm...."Why devnet isn't succeeding or how I haven't learned to express myself without ticking people off!" That would be the clincher I think. ;)

Jan 22, 2005
12:57 PM EDT
>>Why devnet isn't succeeding or how I haven't learned to express myself without ticking people off!

Wait you can express your self and not Tick people off? Damn now i gotta learn something new again.:-)

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