Trying to run an operating system business?

Story: SCO-Linux Wars Are Far from OverTotal Replies: 0
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Jul 25, 2004
7:10 AM EDT
Say what you will of SCO, but the guys from Lindon, Utah, really are trying to run an operating-system business and not just an IP-litigation house.

Really? If that is true then they sure are going about it in an odd way. Hmmm, let's see here. They sue all their customers and the cut all their staff from the operating system side of the house. That's an odd way to try and run an operating system business. Unless you consider charging license fees for an operating system you have no right to charge license fees for an "operating system business". Nope, I don't buy it.

But I suppose this is only an opinion piece. Here is eWeek's opinion on web servers: This message was edited Jul 25, 2004 10:11 AM

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