LXer statement of position on matters pertaining to SCO

Posted by dave on Mar 1, 2004 1:45 PM EDT
Dave Whitinger
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You may have noticed a complete lack of SCO-related news posted to LXer for the past couple days, click to find out why.

When I first started LXer in January, I posted SCO news alongside all the other news of the day. One thing that you must give SCO credit for: they are good at generating a LOT of news. Not a day could go by without posting something related to SCO (whether a press release from them, an interesting post from GrokLaw, or some pundit on eWeek talking about it).

Last week, however, in response to feedback from some of my readers, and responding to my own wishes, I have made the editorial decision to voluntarily abstain from posting the SCO du jour stories. This means that you might go a week or longer without hearing about SCO on LXer. For some, this will be a popular move, and for others I expect it will not. Ultimately, there are plenty of other good sites out there for following SCO, and I think my readers will appreciate a website where they won't be blasted with SCO every day.

This is not to say that there will be "No SCO", but I will be extremely choosey about posting anything related to SCO. When big news happens, I will post it, but if it's not big, I won't post.

Best, Dave

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