Adding ImageMagick to your toolbox

Posted by dave on May 17, 2005 7:25 AM EDT
Malaysia Star
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Many of you are familiar with the usual image processing software, like Gimp, where the mouse is used to interact with the software. This is usually a convenient and fairly intuitive way to use a piece of software because you can work on an image, manipulate the mouse and see the effects immediately. While this works well when you are working on a single image, what happens when you have hundreds of images to work on? This is increasingly becoming more common due to the use of more digital cameras. It is a chore, for example, to put a timestamp on, convert the format, or resize all the images one at a time. Ah, this is where ImageMagick comes into play.

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Mouse use in ImageMagick mdl 0 1,004 May 17, 2005 7:44 AM

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