Why the Free Software movement is Doomed to Failure

Posted by VISITOR on Dec 23, 2004 4:37 AM EDT
Libervis.com; By r_a_trip
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It's not really as bad as it sounds, but the article does point out some reasons that Free Software and OSS by association may have a hard time staying the course and really "seeing us through."

An excerpt from "Why the Free Software movement is Doomed to Failure"

The Free Software Movement is a shining example of a group of people believing in ideals that seem to be worth believing in. Software should be Free, meaning that everybody has a right to use, modify and distribute it if they so desire. Complete and free sharing of the basic building blocks of our current society. Freedom of information.

Sounds nice, doesn't it? I must say that the Free Software ideals appeal to me too. It has something pure, something good. Richard Stallman forged something worthwile as a reaction to the closed source, proprietary software licensing, that he saw as a form of unethical coercion to engage in combat between peers.


Read the whole article at: http://www.libervis.com/modules/wfsection/dossier-12.html

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