Dell Still pricing Linux higher than Windows on same hardware

Posted by tracyanne on Mar 16, 2010 3:11 AM EDT
Tracyanne; By Tracyanne
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We, my partner and I receive a regular advertising newsletter from Dell, because our company is on their mailing list, apparently although we have never purchased a single Dell, we are one of their best customers (the deal is offered to quote "our best customers"). The latest one was pushing a special rate on Dell Laptops and desktops with Windows 7, around $1750. So I rang the up and asked for a price with Linux.

We, my partner and I receive a regular advertising newsletter from Dell, because our company is on their mailing list, apparently although we have never purchased a single Dell, we are one of their best customers (the deal is offered to quote "our best customers"). The latest one was pushing a special rate on Dell Laptops and desktops with Windows 7, around $1750. So I rang the up and asked for a price with Linux.

After some dicking about, which included the suggestion that I buy the machine with Windows and replace Windows with Linux after purchase, I was offered the same machine with FreeDOS for about $150 more than the one with Windows pre installed.

No I didn't buy it.

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RE:Dell Still pricing Linux higher than Windows on same hard tushargok 30 2,211 Mar 17, 2010 7:01 PM

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