Evolutionary Computing — my open-source journey (PDF)

Posted by Steven_Rosenber on Jul 18, 2009 6:04 AM EDT
Click; By Steven Rosenberg
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As an experiment, I decided to bring my Evolutionary Computing presentation on making the journey into free, open-source software — a slide show originally created in OpenOffice Impress 2.4 — into Google Docs, which happens to have a presentation app in addition to the better-known Docs and Spreadsheets components. I revised the presentation — taking some things out, adding others and providing some updates on what I'm doing — and output it as a PDF.

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Subject Topic Starter Replies Views Last Post
Google Docs - ever do a presentation/slide show on it? Steven_Rosenber 5 1,624 Jul 20, 2009 6:58 PM

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